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Monday, August 19, 2013

Toddler Rash

Kids are always coming up with rashes, it's part of being a kid.  As babies, heat rash and diaper rash are common place..something thankfully we didn't have a problem with Jax.  As we start to introduce different products, you get to find out what works with your child and what doesn't. As a baby, We couldn't use any John*** products on Jax.. Except for the cocoa/shea butter products.  He'd break out in a rash. However, Aveeno baby eczema cream (he never had eczema) was (and still is) the only lotion we could put on his face with no reaction. Aveeno is a J&J product.. Go figure!

With Jax turning 2 this summer we had the pleasure of discovering sunscreens.

Last summer we used green beaver and he didn't have any reaction from that.  Although expensive, it worked well and he had no reaction.

This summer we started out with Nurtigena wet kids.  Jax broke out with small pimples everywhere it was applied! I didn't think to take a picture of that rash, needless to say, 2 $15 cans went into the product graveyard.. And ultimately found a home with a friend of mine who swears by it.

I was lucky enough to get to test out the new Banana Boat Natural reflections sunscreen. (See review here) I was so happy it works fantastically on Jax but where I live it's hard to find.

This past weekend we did an unplanned trip to the beach, I was in charge of filling the cooler for our picnic and hubby was in charge of gathering the rest of the beach necessities. One thing we ended up forgetting was Jax's sunscreen!!

We stopped by a rural grocery store to grab some.  While they didn't have Banaba Boat Natural Reflections, they did have regular banana boat kids. ($15 later 240ml) I scanned the ingredients looking for any peanut/oil ingredients, there were none. Expiry date was 02/2016 so no worries there! (Jax has a peanut allergy)

Before we continued on our drive to the beach, I applied the sunscreen, as you are supposed to apply at least 30 minutes before you go out into the sun. About 10 minutes later, as I was taking photos of the kids laughing in the back of the van, (that's our Jax on the left and his cousin on the right)

I noticed Jax's face was red! Hoping it was just because his face is sensitive, I thought I'd keep an eye on it.

Imagine my horror when upon being settled in at the beach, I change Jax into his swim gear and discover this:

This "rash" was everywhere! On his face, arms and back! Not on his legs, as I didn't apply any there.  This is why I know the sunscreen is to blame :(

It didn't seem to bother him much, he was his usual playful self.  Although I ALWAYS have his epi pen just in case, he didn't have any problems breathing so no need to resort to that! But I was kicking myself for not bringing the Benadryl!!  I got a towel wet and tried to gently wipe off the Sunscreen, not sure that it worked well being water proof, so we put his UV shirt and hat on and let him play. 

As soon as we got home, we gave Jax some Benadryl and a bath and it seemed to lessen the rash a little bit, not completely but enough to give ME some relief!

Today, the colour of the bumps is gone but the raised patches still abound.  This afternoon, I notice its extended down to his groin and starting to creep down his legs :( looks like another trip to the doctor  is in order!! 

I called the 1-800-SUN-TIPS # on the banana boat kids sunscreen and spoke to customer care, they're sending me a postage paid box to return the sunscreen for testing along with some coupons to replace the product (which Ill be using to stock up on the Natural Reflect) 
They asked I forward the photo of the rash and call them back after we'd been to see the doctor.  I really appreciated their concern. She also offered to reimburse any out of pocket expenses for fees, medication we may incur from the incident.  

Outstanding customer service!

Ill post an update after we see the doctor tomorrow morning


Stay Tuned & Stay Lovely

~ ProductJunki

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Woolzies Dryer Ball Review & Giveaway!

Sweet surprise in the mail the other day! These balls are amazing!! 

Being the skeptic that I am, I just had to put these to the test! I mean, how can some wool balls replace both my fabric softener AND dryer sheets? Right!?

Wrong. Oh so wrong!

First load:
Used my regular detergent and liquid fabric softener.. Dried using only woolzies.
Wow. Not only did they cut my drying time by about 15 minutes, my clothes were not clinging for life to one another! Must be because I still used fabric softener right?

Wrong again.

Second load:
Used my regular detergent only. No fabric softener, No dryer sheets
Result: soft, static free clothes!

Third load:
Same as second.. I just couldn't get enough!

Woolzies are 100% eco friendly and hypoallergenic.  They're made from 100% New Zeland wool and last for over 1,000 uses! 

I love that they are non-toxic, all natural and they help you save energy by cutting down drying time by 25%!!

These are a new staple in my house. Although I will still use my fabric softener, as I love the smell but certainly these will replace my additional dryer sheets!

If you aren't a scent addict like me, have allergies or are really environmentally conscious then Woolzies are for you! 


~Stay Tuned & Stay Lovely

So happy to announce the Woolzies is sponsoring a giveaway for Product Junkie Followers!
Open to Canadians only :)

a Rafflecopter giveaway I received one or more of the products mentioned above for free using Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers.